1017 Glenmore Drive | P.O. Box 728 | Tower MN, 55790 | 218-753-1200 | info@glenmoreresort.com

June 26 – July 3, 2023

Week #8 of the open water season (6/26-7/3)

Main lake water temp: 72-74

Water temp in the bays: 75-77


Walleye fishing continues to be tough with the bug hatches in full swing. The few walleyes that are being brought into the boat are being caught a variety of ways in a wide variety of depths. There is still a shallow slip bobber bite in 6-12′ of water. Locating wind blown points and rock piles while floating a jumbo leech on top of them is your best bet. There has also been a few fish starting to bite on spinner rigs. A 1 or 2 ounce bottom bouncer with the spinner rig of your choice, pulled at 1 mph has been producing a few fish in 14-25′ of water. The transition to lindy rigs and crawlers should happen any day now, and that will be the bait of choice from now until August when we start pulling lead core.

As always, you can catch plenty of walleye on the trusty bobber and leech during the low light hours. Sitting on top of main lake humps topping out in 10-15′ of water will be target areas. Keep moving and hitting a lot of spots, catching the few aggressive fish on each spot.

Baits of choice in my boat: Slip bobber and leech, bottom bouncer and spinner or slow death rig, lindy rig and crawler


Smallmouth bass are always a great way to spend the mid day hours when the walleye fishing becomes tough. The trusty slip bobber and leech is a go to in my boat for these summer time footballs. Big boulders, boat docks, downed trees or points in 3-10′ of water are the main areas of focus for smallies.

The soft plastic bite has starting picking up as well. It seems to be slower than usual, but this week with the warmer temps and lack of wind really has them pushed into the shady spots on the cover. When this happens, it is very hard to beat a wacky rigged senko. Another staple on the Big V is the top water bite during the early morning and late evening hours. Tie on the popper of your choice and pull it next to boulders in shallow water and enjoy the action!

Baits of choice in my boat: slip bobber and leech, senkos, and rebel pop r

Check back in next Monday (7/10) for next weeks fishing report!

Zach Hrvol

Fishing with Z Guide Service

(218) 404-9200


Thank you for a wonderful time – we will be back next year for some June fishing. I’ll give you an exact date in a couple of weeks. Back to the city is worse this time than it’s been. We love your place.

Andrew and Genevieve Paule - Minneapolis, MN