1017 Glenmore Drive | P.O. Box 728 | Tower MN, 55790 | 218-753-1200 | info@glenmoreresort.com

Glenmore Seasons


Experience nature’s renewal in the “Great Northwood’s” …a time of lake ice-out, leafing trees and blooming wildflowers… watch as eagles, loons and ospreys return to nest and raise their young… mother deer watch over newly born fawns… it’s also time for fish to spawn and when they are easiest to catch…

Opening Weekend — a fisherman’s favorite time of year!



Fish, Boat, Walk, Bike, or Hike… Bird Watch or  Pick Flowers


Experience the delightful diversions of Minnesota’s famous summers… enjoy pleasant, warm days, the “natural air-conditioning” of our cool nights…splashing with the kids on one of our sand beaches… waterskiing and tubing in the refreshing waters of Lake Vermilion… fishing for Walleye, Muskie, Northern, Bass and Panfish and frying up your catch… sailing into a colorful sunset… and at the end of the day, meeting new friends around the campfire.

Relax, Golf, Fish, Bike, Boat, Ski, Swim, Hike, Floatplane Rides, or play Volleyball and other Games


Experience the singular beauty of autumn… the kaleidoscope of colorful leaves… the smell of wood smoke in the air… invigorating days, cool crisp nights… exploring country roads or winding trails deep into the silent woods… ravenous fish in shallow waters… the spectacular wonder of the Northern Lights displayed against a star filled sky… the solitude of quiet lakes and forests… the perfect time to get away.

Fish, Bird Watch, Pick Leaves, Bike, or Hike…

Just wanted to say that we enjoyed your cabins and the friendly service…thanks. Leaving my trailer parked in your driveway was very much appreciated. We’ll try to make a trip to your place in the late summer or early fall…for sure again next winter. I’m sure the summer will be busy for both of you but enjoy it.

Chuck & Kathy Theis